Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Flaws and All

You want to know something, it is an amazing thing when someone loves you for who you are and everything that you have to bring to the table. It is definitely 1:30AM and I am still sitting up in my room. I decided to hit up the blog because I have finally come to the realization that we are all out here looking for someone to love us and many of us don't love ourselves. We are not comfortable with ourselves, and yet we expect someone else to love us for everything that we are and especially for the things that we aren't.

It's a wonderful feeling to look in the mirror at everything that you are, and say God (or whatever power you worship) thank you.......thank you for allowing me to be here able bodied and knowledgeable enough to see me for me.

The hardest part is letting go of the things that you aren't and will never be and embrace the beautiful person that you are, and look forward to the wonderful person that you can become, if that's where you're looking to go. Many of us have no idea where we want to be in a couple of years which leads us to hate the person that we are now. By taking small steps to become a better you, one will find it a lot easier and extremely less overwhelming to transform into that wonderful creature that you see in that mirror.

Making sure to reflect the person that you are in the inside on the outside is hard, hell I feel like I'm trapped in a fat suit, but if I don't take the necessary measures how can I expect the world to see the beautiful butterfly that I see in the mirror daily! Exactly, it takes work.....we cannot and will not be happy with ourselves if we don't do the work to achieve and deserve our happiness. We cannot expect others to be happy with us if we can't forgive ourselves and move on. We have to learn to stop the search for external things to make us happy and realize we are all that we have been waiting for. No one can treat you better than yourself. You are amazingly wonder, beautiful, wild, sassy, interesting, and every other dynamic ways that you'd loved to be described.

So once you learned to please yourself, truly begin to love you, I'm telling you, you will be unstoppable. Take charge of your image, love yourself more, and that love that you're searching for will fall into your lap.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Don't Save Her, She Don't Wanna Be Saved

OK, so it is like 1:30am and I am still sitting in the library writing a paper that should have already been finished. When I was on the Facebook, you know that devil, just shooting the breeze checking what new in the world of updates. When I stumbled across a picture of this guy that I used to dig. Long story short. This fool is dating a girl that cheated on him multiple times, but he still believes that he can save her. I don't understand that. You cannot turn a whore into a housewife, not saying that she is a whore, but if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quakes like a duck, WELLLLLLLL it's a DUCK!

This is an issue that is so prevalent in college. It's funny that when you are in a relationship you are blinded to the world of relationships that surround you, until you are back out on easy street single as hell, doing you. I feel that so many people in college are not really ready to be in a relationship with someone else, and are too selfish to realize that in themselves. Sometimes I just wanna scream grow the hell up!!!!, and get over yourself. If you are not comfortable with yourself then you damn sure can't make someone else happy. People are always searching for someone else to complete them, when they really should be looking in a mirror to self reflect and see what they need to work on to better themselves. How in the world do you expect someone else to be completely satisfied with you when you don't even like being alone with yourself. This is a perfect indicator if you are ready to share yourself with someone else, but until you can acknowledge that one aspect then you have a ways to go.

I just can't understand why these men keep trying to save these girls, these bitches don't want to be your girlfriends. What they want is someone to spend money on them and go about their business after they have walked all over your naive asses, and took you for a ride. Come on, men are always asking why do nice guys finish know why cause y'all stupid. You get what you deserve. If you would stop trying to change people then you wouldn't find yourself down and out. A word to the wise, stop and check the girl that you have been with or even pursuing and if you find that you have been giving more than 50% to that relationship/friendship, whatever it may be then take a step back from that and see if they will step they game up. If they don't then they were never studding you, they were probably just shooting the breeze with you to pass the time, until they lucked up on the one that they really wanted.

So I'll impart some wise words unto you from my man Project Pat,"Don't Save Her, She Don't Wanna Be Saved!".

Monday, December 1, 2008

Here We Go Again!

It's funny how life takes you through various twist and turns. Shit I was in love for 5 years, or maybe I was just comfortable, but hell whatever it was, when it was over my entire life fell apart in my eyes, but in retrospect, I became a lot stronger. These are my tells, my life. RAW