Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Juicy Confession of the Week: Sizeable Vibrations

Dear Juicy Dre,

So I don’t know if this is even worthy of being a Juicy Confession, but here goes. I have been dating my boyfriend for quite sometime now, we both go to school here, and I have been having a wondering eye. My man always wants to know why we don’t have sex more often, I always find some excuse, but mostly I tell him our relationship is not based on sex. Cause really I do enjoy our relationship, but the truth is…….he has a small member. I know, I know I just said that I like the relationship, but in reality I think I might have been out the door if it wasn’t for my toys. They of course are spectacular and I love them, when I don’t want to play around with him, I play with them. They are what I think are keeping me in this relationship, and my wondering eye well its only wondering now. I really want to be in this relationship, but I am not being satisfied, is it my fault he is not equipped. Should I tell him how I feel or just keep doing what I’m doing?

Sizeable Vibrations

Hello Sizable Vibrations,

Now I will have to apologize off the bat, because it has taken me a while to respond to this confession. In reality I have had to think about how to formulate a possible solution for you without being insensitive to your partner’s shortcomings (no pun intended). To start, in consultation with my friends many of them said that it doesn’t matter the size for satisfaction, but one does have to posses a different set of skills, if they have shortcomings. I would suggest communicating your confusions with him first, you know him better than anyone (hopefully) and with sincere concern for your satisfaction, your partner may be open to hearing some suggestions on enhancing his routine and possible open to learning a few new tricks. Now as for the toys, there is nothing wrong with that, unless the combination of that wandering eye and your search for satisfaction may lead you to search for a man with that particular size thus abandoning your current situation or leading you down a path where your decision making skill may become skewed resulting in an unfavorable ending to your relationship. In all honesty, there are many components to a relationship; sex is just a mere portion of it, if it is a portion at all. You will personally have to decide are you staying in this relationship because you are comfortable with your partner or are you satisfied. We are young and if you are staying merely because you are comfortable and this is something to do, then maybe you should reevaluate this situation, and if you are not willing to be honest with your partner, trust me, this will bother you until you decide to cheat or leave. If you want to be satisfied within your relationship fully, you must communicate with your partner fully, because in the end he probably won’t be waking up tomorrow and be well hung, so that’s the member that he has, and if you want to stick around you’re gonna have to learn to make it do what it does for you.

Juicy Dre

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