Monday, December 1, 2008

Here We Go Again!

It's funny how life takes you through various twist and turns. Shit I was in love for 5 years, or maybe I was just comfortable, but hell whatever it was, when it was over my entire life fell apart in my eyes, but in retrospect, I became a lot stronger. These are my tells, my life. RAW

1 comment:

Sexci Neda said...

When you are comfortable with someone it is so much harder to break up with them. Enev when things are at their worst you still feel you can work it out. I was with my ex for two years until a friend helped me out of a bad situation. I know every thing happens for a reason right? BUT I STILL FEEL THAT SOME THINGS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN NO MATTER WHAT THE SITUATION IS!
Good start on the intro