Wednesday, June 24, 2009

IMHO (My TV Show)


I have a great show on THE BIG TEN NETWORK! (check your local listings to see what channel it is in your area). This show features 5 undergraduate students from my university The University of Wisconsin-Madison. I did not intend on auditioning for the show, I actually just went with one of my friends to support him (he did not make the cut), and I ended up making the show! It was a really great experience and you can check it out anytime that is convenient for your schedule. Make sure to let me know what you think about it. I have listened the show dates for this summer, plus the directions on how to access the show if you want to watch it on iTunes!

Upcoming broadcast Schedule: (central time) on The BIG TEN NETWORK!
Tues. June 23 8:00pm IMHO #9 (D)
Tues. June 30 8:00pm IMHO #10 (D)
Friday, July 3 10:00am IMHO #8 (R)
Tuesday, July 7 8:00pm IMHO #11 (D)
Friday, July 10 10:00am IMHO #9 (R)
Tuesday, July 14 8:00pm IMHO #12 (D)
Friday, July 17 10:00am IMHO #10 (R)
Tuesday, July 21 8:00pm IMHO #5 (R)
Tuesday, July 28 8:00pm IMHO Last Show

iTunes Directions
1. Open up iTunes
2. Go to the iTunes Store tab
3. On the left side of the page select iTunes U
4. Once the page has loaded, on the left side of the page select Universities & Colleges
5. Scroll down to The University of Wisconsin-Madison
6. Once you are on the University page click IMHO
7. Watch the shows in any order you’d like ;)

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